Mézin: Tèrra Aventura: "The shell stroke"
Mézin: Tèrra Aventura: "The shell stroke"
10,2 km - Mézin
Family Time
Located since Antiquity in a populated area, Pomarède as it stands today was built in the 17th and 18th centuries. ...
5,5 km - Moncrabeau
In Moncrabeau, the Peyroutet site is an Albret hill, near the Baïse. It was recently classified as a “Sensitive ...
5,5 km - Moncrabeau
Former capital of the manufacture of the cork stopper, and having given birth to the President of the Republic ...
10,2 km - Mézin
South of Albret, not far from Gers, Mézin is especially famous for its corks and its Cork Museum. At the exit of ...
10,2 km - Mézin
10,2 km - Mézin
Family Time
16,4 km - Nérac
Weekend & Holidays
16,4 km - Nérac
Not to be missed
16,4 km - Nérac
Culture and Heritage
16,4 km - Nérac
Rest and relaxation
150 m from La Baïse and the historic centre of Nérac, a charming little town with a medieval and Renaissance ...
16,7 km - Nérac
Built on the site of the former water factory in the town of Agen, in a vintage industrial spirit, the Café Vélo ...
32,4 km - Agen
La Taillade Holiday Village - THE ART OF TAKING YOUR TIME At the gates of the Landes, La Taillade is a unique place ...
37,5 km - Pompogne
Totally unusual accommodation of 31m², the contemporary yurt is inspired by the traditional Mongolian habitat used ...
37,5 km - Pompogne
Wooden chalet with a unique design, it consists of a master bedroom with a double bed and a 2nd bedroom equipped ...
37,5 km - Pompogne