Discover the lot valley in winter

Discover the lot vall ...

Winter is coming, and so are the holidays! Although we are all wrapped up in our scarves and jumpers, nothing can stop us from discovering the Lot Valley. Below we have compiled some beautiful excursions for you to do, so put on your gloves and smile! There are some gourmet stops along the road…

The cultural sites of the region

There are things to do in winter, in the Lot-et-Garonne and the Lot Valley, starting with visiting the towns and villages and the tourist sites most of which are open all year. Here are some suggestions for all the family.

 The Bonaguil Castle, on its rocky promontory, the donjon is staring down at you and is inviting you to visit it. Take this opportunity, as it is open during the holidays! With its cave, tunnels and 5 centuries of history, it is a stunning place that will amaze you!


Château de bonaguil

Le Château de Bonaguil Guide du lot et garonne

Villeneuve-sur-Lot will seduce you, it is a lovely former royal bastide, with a very beautiful cathedral in ochre brick, the tower of Paris (which can be visited, for more information contact the Tourist Office) … During winter, an ice-skating rink is set up under the Market Hall until the 6th January. There are many merry-go-rounds and Christmas events (fireworks, Christmas market). There is also the not to be missed Musée de Gajac, a place of contemporary Art exhibitions.

Villeneuve sur lot
Villeneuve sur lot guide du lot et garonne

Just above is the lovely village of Pujols, listed as one of the most beautiful villages in France, with its beautiful view over the surrounding countryside. During the summer it is buzzing with life, but during winter, it is pleasant to walk around, have a hot chocolate on the square, to see the remnants of the fortifications, the halftimbered houses…

Pujols Guide du Lot-et-Garonne

Discover Fumel, visit its castle and enjoy the free tour organised by the Tourist office. With children, we suggest you try Terra Aventura, a modern treasure hunt application on your smartphone, letting you discover the town in a fun way! 

In Sauveterre-la-Lémance, there is a modern prehistoric museum; it is also a reason to visit this lovely small village and its medieval castle Château des Rois Ducs.

Château de Sauveterre-la-Lémance

Château de Sauveterre-la-Lémance

Do you like the stars? What about an original and unique activity to experience? Did you know that the winter skies are beautiful to observe? If you happen to be in the region of Fumel, go to Gap 47, the astronomical observatory for an observation of the celestial dome, every Friday night from 9pm.


Would you like to feel closer to nature? Find all the Walks, hikes and bike rides in the Lot Valley.

The Lot Valley is well well-appointed with beautiful bike rides or walks. A superb and well marked 86 km Véloroute awaits you. It is accessible to all due to a fairy flat terrain. You start in Aiguillon and carry on towards Villeneuve, then Fumel and even the Lot if you want! It is a fantastic way to explore this river rich in flora and fauna.

Cycling paths are available all around in the Lot-et-Garonne, check the map here.

The Lot-et-Garonne also offers an abundance of hiking paths, the GR652 which passes in the Lot Valley region, is one of the way of St James, and an alternative to the Puy Way, which then links the big sites of the Lot.


There are many other hiking paths in the region, suitable to all levels and meeting all the individual’s needs.

Enfourchez un vélo ! C'est gratuit et ça roule toute l'année !

Enfourchez un vélo ! C'est gratuit et ça roule toute l'année !

Go visit an unusual place, a lamas’ farm in Moudoulens. On this farm, which also has a shop, you can see some incredible and beautiful animals! But call before visiting!


Lot-et-Garonne delicacies

Hazelnuts, prunes and foie gras, await you! Taste them and learn more about these 3 staples local products. The Maison de la Noisette in Lacépède, is open all year apart from a small break in January, check their website. It is a place which values this delicious product which can be served with salty or sugary dishes. After discovering the production of the hazelnut, you take another very pleasant step...the tasting. The hazelnut is pressed to produce oil, praline or a spread. Not only you can discover new products, but you can also buy and pick up some recipe ideas. The perfect visit for all the family. Best tip: Read our article on the topic.

Les délices du musée de la noisette

Les délices du musée de la noisette

The Musée du Pruneau in Laffite-sur-Lot is the counterpart of the Nut Museum, but the prune version! You can learn about the culture of the plum tree, which provides the plums which are then dried in different ways in order to obtain several categories of prunes. Taste and discover the derived products, you will make the pleasant discovery that the prune can be perfectly combine with another  ocal product: Armagnac.

Musée du pruneau

Musée du pruneau 

The Musée du Foie gras will please many of you during the winter period. It is the favourite of the festivities and it can be found in the foie gras market. During summer, you can visit the farm that owns the museum; but in winter, only the museum, which has a beautiful exhibition that will also please the children, and the shop are open.

Musée du foie gras, vous en prendrez bien un peu ?

Musée du foie gras, vous en prendrez bien un peu ? 

And what about the markets?

On Saturday morning, there is a little foie gras market in Villeneuve-sur-Lot. On Sunday morning in Penne d’Agenais, there is a small market on the edge of the Lot River, where producers offer their local products. In Aiguillon, it is a traditional market on Tuesday and Friday. In Fumel, it takes place on Sunday morning.

Here you are, ready for some great holidays in the Lot Valley! The winter cannot stop you enjoying this attractive region. Follow us on our Facebook page for more excursions ideas and day outs.

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